Summer Break


Rithik Nimma


Hello there, my name is Rithik Nimma, and today I will tell you about my Summer Break

It all began on the last day of the third grade. At dismissal we watched two movies, but when they started calling names, a lot of people started crying. When we went home we watched TV. The next day we started to pack our bags, because we were going to San Antonio!

A few days later we were off to vacation. We were going to the Natural Bridge Caverns! My family and I were having a blast. After that, we did sieving for my birthday, and I got a lot of cool stones and rocks. We also went to the shop and bought two rocks, Amethyst and Calcite. When we were eating ice cream, we met our cousins. In the evening, we were planning to go to the animal safari, but sadly it was closed.

A few days later, we found out that we were going to South Padre Island! Our dad’s colleagues came to our house, and we started to go.

Soon we were at the hotel, and we changed into swimming clothes because we were going to the beach. We built sandcastles, and played with water, sand, and shells. That wasn’t all! We found this gigantic hole in the sand, so we kept digging deeper. Soon we found a puddle of water! After we left the beach, we also decided to go to the pool.

After having lots of fun at the pool we went back to the hotel as the dads were ordering pizza. We ate and watched a Godzilla movie. The next day, in the morning, we went to the pool. All of us were playing with our water guns and having fun.

On the third day, we saw people carve out varieties of sandcastles, and over there, there was a treasure hunt. After that, we went parasailing. My dad, brother, and I were literally on a parachute that was towed by a motorboat! Then, we went snorkeling, and I touched an actual Catfish! We even fed fish with orange peels!

On the last day, my dad, brother, and I took a walk at the beach. We collected tons of shells, all of different shapes and sizes. At last, we went to my dad’s university. Over there I saw a statue whose name is “Doc”. After some time, we started to go back home.

A few days later, my uncle came from Connecticut! The next week, we went to Dallas to meet our cousins. It was really scary because they had a dog, and dogs can bite! We even went to a lodge. It had so many big water slides and pools, we spent the whole day playing there. We helped one of our cousins build a secret fort.

A few minutes later, we had to leave. After we left we went to the temple and prayed. After that we went to the shop, and two bands.

When we started to leave, my brother and I found out about hurricane Beryl. We experienced heavy rain, lightning, thunder, and heavy winds when we were returning. When we came home we rushed to seek shelter.

The next day, there was a power outage. My brother and I found these bed lamps which were battery powered, so we put them throughout the house. My dad also found a light, but it was electric. Luckily, we have an electric car which still had some charge, so we hooked it to the car, and it started working. After we ate, our friends hosted a party so we went to it.

Sleeping wasn’t easy, my dad and mom put a lot of bedsheets on the carpet and we slept on the bed sheets .

The next day, the power was still out, so one of my dad’s colleagues, which I mentioned earlier, let us go to their home. We went there at night, and we ate some food. All the kids, including my brother and I, were trying to play pool. It was very late so we went to our rooms and slept.

The next day, we woke up, brushed, ate breakfast, and started playing and started taking pictures. We were going to leave soon, so we tried to have as much fun as possible. When we got back home, the power came back. The next day, our grandmother came back, and summer classes started.

This is the story of one of my favorite summer breaks!!!


A Day in my Summer


My Favorite Summer Break